Membership info


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Membership Categories

Membership of the Society consists of the following categories and grades:-

Associate Membership

This grade of membership is for graduates of up to five years or less. Associate members shall advance to full membership after 5 years of Registration and fully paid up.

Full membership

Graduates of over five years are eligible for full membership of the Society.

Corporate membership

Business or non-academic departments of tertiary institutions are eligible for admission as corporate members.

Institutional membership

Institutional membership is open to academic departments of tertiary institutions.

Life membership

Paid-up full members after 5 years of registration are qualified to be admitted as life members of the Society on payment of the prescribed once-for-all subscription fee.

Life Corporate membership

Organization which qualify to be corporate members automatically qualify to be life corporate members on payment of the appropriate once-for-all subscription fee.

Registration Fees

Category of Membership          


New Members

First Payment

Subsequent Annual Payments

1. Associate




2. Full Member



3. Life Existing




4. Institutional




5. Corporate




6. Life Corporate




Any graduate of economics or allied subjects (Nigerians and non-Nigerians), or anyone adjudged to be sufficiently knowledgeable in Economics or allied subjects by the National Executive Council is eligible for admission into the Society on application.

All intending members shall apply to the Council through the Business Manager for admission to membership by completing the prescribed form either online or hardcopy and payment of the stipulated fee as applicable.

Requirements for Registration:

·         Payment of the stipulated registration fee

·         Completion of Online application

·         Submission of relevant documents to back up your application as listed below:

Required Documents:

·         First Degree and any other relevant certificate

·         NYSC Discharge certificate

·         Passport-size photograph

·         Procedures for Online Registration with Online Payment

·         Registration for membership of NES and payment of registration fee can be done anywhere in the world.

Kindly follow the steps below:

1. Click the membership and choose 'membership info'

2. Complete the online Registration Form, attach your passport and credentials

3. Proceed to make payment with your debit card, USSD or Bank Transfer

4. Submit the completed form with the payment


Every member shall, according to the category of membership, pay an annual subscription or a once-for-all subscription fee as shall be determined by the National Executive Council from time to time.

The rates for the various categories and grades of membership, that is, Life, Associate, Full and Institutional membership are as indicated above. Membership shall be renewed at the beginning of every year by the payment of the annual subscription.

Rights & Privileges

Every member (Individual or Corporate) shall be invited to the Society's lectures workshops, seminars, conferences etc. through a Poster or the regular Newsletter of the society and advert in the national daily newspapers.

Paid-up members shall also be entitled to attend and participate in the Society's Annual General Meetings. Corporate/Institutional members shall be represented by their accredited representative.

Full and Life members shall be entitled to free copies of the Society's Journal issued in the years for which they have paid their appropriate subscription fees fixed by the Executive Council. Issues of other publications will be paid for if desired. Paid-up Corporate/Institutional members shall be entitled to copy of the journal and issues of other publications free of charge for the years they have paid-up.

Any unregistered person or Organization also shall obtain from the Society any of the society's publications, (the Journal NJESS and other publications) issued by it at prices fixed by the Executive Council from time to time.

Full or Life members shall be privileged to use the letters FMNES, LMNES respectively against their names to indicate their membership of the Nigerian Economic Society, as long as they are paid-up members.

Full members of at least 10 years standing or less shall have the privilege (at the discretion of the Executive Council) of being nominated for election to the Fellowship of the Society for NES, provided such members also satisfy the conditions prescribed for this honour in the Constitution of the Society, Elected Fellows may use the letters, FELNES after their names.

Apply for Membership

For membership info and issues, email us at:

And payment issues on:

Tel: 08131213195 or 08136655851


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